Xanadu Kublakan v.d. Elshof Farm SE CGC BPS
Male Parson Russell Terrier
Dam: Not Yet Listed
Bred by Jan Thoonsen, Netherlands
Beloved Friend and Hunting Companion
Xander is a rugged yet practical terrier of larger stature with the flexibility to get virtually anywhere, anytime. In the field he is a tireless worker, easily covering several miles a day on foot only to hold his quarry with an intense and unbreakable determination until removed. He is an exceptionally powerful dog and though he isn’t likely to win Mr. Congeniality, what he lacks in social graces he more than makes up for in drive. As hard as he is, it should not be terribly surprising that if he were a cat, he easily would have used nearly all of his nine lives – ranging from battling it out with a raccoon to nearly disemboweling himself in pursuit of his quarry. Xander once spent seven hours working a marmot in a very rocky hillside, a dangerous proposition for any terrier. In short, Xander is not a dog for the faint of heart.
Even the hardest of exteriors can have a soft center, and Xander is truly a very sweet boy who lives to please. At the end of a long day, Xander loves nothing more than to stretch out across your lap for a good scratch. Though bred in the Netherlands and imported to the United States as a show prospect, it became clear that true to his pedigree, Xander was best suited for a life of work and sport and thus found his way to the Jacks Wild.
Xander's Pedigree
Not Yet Listed
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